Rocket League Rank Disparity and Rank Restrictions Explained (2025)

Ranks are an integral part of every multiplayer competitive game and the same stands for Rocket League. Each Rocket League Season you get to climb ranks, improve and play versus similarly ranked people in your matches. While it would be perfect to be able to play with any friend you want, if the rank disparity between you and your teammate is too big, you may not be able to queue together.

What is Rank Disparity in Rocket League?

Rank Disparity, or as Psyonix calls it Rank Restrictions, helps players that don’t have a complete party find a similarly ranked team to queue competitive playlists with in order to get more balanced matches. This regards two players in a party searching for a 3v3 Standard Match or trying to compete in a 3v3 Standard Tournament. Let’s take a look at how exactly the Rank Disparity system works in Rocket League.

Rocket League Rank Disparity and Rank Restrictions Explained (1)

How does Rank Disparity work in Rocket League?

Rocket League Rank Disparity works the same way as it did since it was introduced. By Psyonix’s rules, if you are in an undersized party, meaning your party has only two party members, you will only be able to queue 3v3 Ranked Standard if your teammate is within three ranks of you as Rocket League requires similarly ranked players in a party.

For example: If two party members are Platinum 2 and Diamond 3, they will not be able to queue 3v3 Standard as they have a gap of 4 ranks between them. If they are Platinum 3 and Diamond 3, they can queue up a 3v3 Rocket League game since they are in the three rank boundary.

Rocket League Rank Disparity and Rank Restrictions Explained (2)

Why does Rank Disparity exist in Rocket League?

Psyonix has implemented Rocket League Rank Disparity to ensure balanced matches for all Rocket League players. This affects undersized parties that may consist of players that have too big of a difference in ranks. It helps prevent players from lower ranks from getting boosted by their friends that may be higher ranked, but it also helps people that are solo queueing 3v3 Standard find similarly ranked players. The whole system is in place to prevent huge rank disparities in 3v3 matches and to give overall more balanced matches in ranked playlists. If your teammate is way too high or way too low ranked compared to you, you probably shouldn’t even play Competitive together in the first place.

Has Rank Disparity always worked like this and will the requirements change?

Rank Disparity in Rocket League Season 7 works the same way since it was introduced in Season 4, and it is unlikely that Psyonix will change the system anytime soon. Although a part of the competitive community has been complaining because the system prevents them from playing 3v3 matches with their rookie teammates, most of the players like the system and think it is working properly and it ensures a healthy and balanced competitive ecosystem.

Rocket League Rank Disparity and Rank Restrictions Explained (3)

Does Rank Disparity exist in Casual Modes?

If you are looking to play in casual modes with your friends, Rank Disparity does not matter as casual game modes do not have ranks, even though they have a hidden MMR. So, if you are unable to queue 3v3 Standard matches with your lower or higher-ranked friend due to Rank Disparity, you can freely play together in casual modes.

Does Rank Disparity exist in Extra Modes?

While Extra Modes do have the same ranks and divisions as competitive playlists, Rank Disparity does not affect parties of two attempting to queue Extra Mode playlists (Hoops, Rumble, Dropshot and Snow Day). Extra Modes have been a part of the game since the release of the game as a fun, side game mode to play with friends, and Psyonix has decided to keep it that way by not implementing rank restrictions in Extra Mode Playlists.

Rocket League Rank Disparity and Rank Restrictions Explained (4)

That would be everything you need to know about rank disparity in RL. Even though the rank restrictions Psyonix has put up may seem too strict at first, almost every other esport title such as League of Legends, VALORANT, CS2 (CSGO) or Rainbow: Six Siege have a rank restriction system built in for their ranked/competitive game modes.

Imagine a ranked ecosystem where a Supersonic Legend could party up with their Bronze 1 friend and queue up for a 3v3 Standard match in ranked, it would be a nightmare for the third member of that team (when he checks your ranks). If you play a lot of casual games with your friend, you should be able to match their rank pretty quickly, or vice-versa, so you will be able to finally avoid those annoying rank restrictions.

Rocket League Rank Disparity and Rank Restrictions Explained (2025)


Rocket League Rank Disparity and Rank Restrictions Explained? ›

Players need to be within 3 Ranks of each other. This is so a 3rd teammate will be able to join a similarly Ranked team. Example: If two party members are Platinum 2 and Diamond 3 (a gap of 4 Ranks), they will not be able to queue in 3v3 Standard.

How do I get rid of rank disparity in RL? ›

Do keep in mind rank disparity is also bugged where it will at random prevent players from queuing 2v2 or 3v3 when in the valid rank range. It can even bug out and prevent a solo queue player from playing 2v2 or 3v3. The player's solution for this is to restart your game or setting someone else as party leader.

How does the ranking system work in RL? ›

As you win Competitive Matches you will be promoted to higher Divisions and Ranks. Losing more matches than you win will demote you to lower Divisions and Ranks. We're introducing an update to the Competitive rank system designed to increase match quality.

Why did my rank go down in Rocket League? ›

If you go down a division after a win in a Ranked match, this is not a bug. The division down happened during a previous loss that was reported to our database late. You are still receiving appropriate credit for the current win.

Why does it say I'm unranked in Rocket League? ›

Similar to League of Legends and Valorant, Rocket League has competitive ranking tiers. All new players to a competitive playlist will start off in the unranked tier. After playing 10 games in that playlist, the player will then be placed into one of 22 different ranking tiers.

How does rank disparity work in RL? ›

Players need to be within 3 Ranks of each other. This is so a 3rd teammate will be able to join a similarly Ranked team. Example: If two party members are Platinum 2 and Diamond 3 (a gap of 4 Ranks), they will not be able to queue in 3v3 Standard.

Can Diamond 3 play with Plat 2? ›

Platinum players can play with Diamond players only within one full rank tier disparity. This means Platinum 1 can match with players up till Diamond 1.

What rank is the average RL player? ›

Thanks. Average is Gold 3 for 3v3's. If you actually look at gameplay, like a saved replay from when we were all bronze, you'd actually understand how much you've grown and gotten better. Its hard to realize it, but even being Gold is much, much better than where we all started out.

Can you reset your Rocket League rank? ›

In Rocket League, the emergence of a new season is accompanied by a rank reset, an event met with varying degrees of acceptance within the player community.

Why do I get less MMR in Rocket League? ›

It's just who you play. It's like a 60/40 win ratio for ranking up. If you are teaming up with a lower ranked mate and lose to lower players the mmr loss will be higher. Winning over lower ranked players will net you a smaller MMR point spread.

Why did I get demoted in Rocket League? ›

After completing ten Competitive Matches, you'll be assigned a rank based on your performance. You can get to a higher rank by winning Competitive Matches. However, you'll be demoted to a lower rank if you lose too many!

How does the ranking system in Rocket League work? ›

To climb up you need points. The points within the Rocket league Ranks MMR (Matchmaking Rank) serves to create the layout. This works similar to the MMR in many games, such as League of Legends, for example. Therefore, the more points you earn, the better your position in the ladder.

Are you banned from matchmaking in Rocket League? ›

If you did not mean to leave a match (example: disconnections) the Matchmaking Ban will be applied automatically as other players in the match are still affected. In Casual matches, you'll be able to quit one match per day without receiving a Matchmaking Ban. After that, a 5-minute Matchmaking Ban will be applied.

What is the highest rank an unranked player can play with? ›

Unranked players can play with ranked players up to Gold rank. Players with a large rank disparity cannot play together to maintain a balanced gameplay experience.

Can you get demoted ranks in Rocket League? ›

You can get to a higher rank by winning Competitive Matches. However, you'll be demoted to a lower rank if you lose too many! ⁠Once you've won ten matches at a Rank Tier, you'll become eligible for its Competitive Rewards.

How do I change my matchmaking region in RL? ›

Select Play from the Main Menu. Select Casual or Competitive. Select the Regions button in the top right. Select your preferred region or Recommended.

How many games do you have to win to rank up in RL? ›

There is no fixed amount of games that you need to rank up. Ranking up depends not only on wins and losses, but also the difficulty of the matches.

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.